Show Notes

To Kill a Mockingbird is a timeless classic that concludes our series on Not Your Grandfather's Courtroom Dramas. What a ride it's been. From Spiderman, to Disney, and now some of the greatest movies ever on some of the weightiest subject-matter. Classism, racism, drug addiction, and sexual violence are all mentioned in this episode frequently. Nothing three dads can't handle right?

WRONG! We can't handle it.

To help us talk about this story which is way beyond our depth, we have Lis. She is a great guest on the show and frequently makes sure we aren't complete imbeciles. She taught 8th graders and has some great mom-energy, so a few dads shouldn't be that hard to handle right?

Stay tuned next week for our Aftermath episode where we talk about all the courtroom dramas we have done!

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