Show Notes


Welcome, traveller, to the strange corner of the multiverse where not Your Father's Movies has briefly been transported into a NICOLAS CAGE FANBOY PODCAST. This may be a better universe. Today's episode: CON AIR, starring Nicolas Cage (of Course), John Malkovich, John Cusak, Colm Meaney, Ving Rhames, Rachel Ticotin, Steve Buscemi, Danny Trejo, Dave Chappelle... is anybody not in this one?

Joined this week by old friend, definite dad-father, and first time guest, Pat! Unfortunately, Jesse was unable to make it back in time to join. I heard he had some issues mid-flight...

If you have never seen Con Air, do yourself a favor and watch this little unknown gem of a movie. Filled with nothing but heart, it's basically a buddy drama about a couple of guys trying to get home to their loved ones...

Who am I kidding, it's CON AIR! Nicolas Cage's best movie ever made, perhaps THE best movie ever made. They don't make them like this anymore. This is absolutely many father's movies and for us - well, we'll leave you in suspense. 

Let us know what YOU think about Con Air! You'll definitely get a shout out on our next recorded episode (sorry, time is a flat circle, our podcast has significant trouble staying linear). Email us at and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. You can find our website at and any and all other links HERE.

Thanks for listening! We hope you enjoy the show.